flower essences with Suzanne Najarian Goodson
I work with people experiencing stress or emotional imbalance, especially those seeking support for deep lasting change in a process of accelerated life change, transition and healing. I use personalized flower essence formulations to help you balance your emotions and support you in a process of healing and personal growth — allowing you to connect to serenity, self-acceptance, inner peace and the process of coming into alignment with your Self.
If you’re experiencing stress, anxiety, anger or the blues, or feeling stuck, resentful or overwhelmed, creatively blocked or having relationship issues, my process, including thoughtfully formulated flower remedies will allow you move through difficult emotional states, wounds, and blocks and let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve you,
Taking the correct flower essences with my acceptance, support and guidance facilitates positive change and release. People in 12 Step Programs or on a spiritual path are ideally suited to this work and children respond especially beautifully to the healing of the flower essences.
Connecting to your essence and caring for your whole self with personalized flower remedies allows you to connect powerfully to serenity, bringing relief, peace, clarification and shifts in perspective and awareness, aligning you with your highest potential and wisdom of Self.
“Suzanne’s work with flower remedies is life changing ... I am a believer. Suzanne creates remedies that lead to gentle but powerful changes in my life. When I was really overwhelmed, she gave me a remedy and I felt centered almost immediately. Even better is that it is now four months later and I still feel centered. That is remarkable given the shifts in my life during the time span.”
Ready to take the next step? Get to know Suzanne, and learn more about the process