Reclaim your sexuality from the Patriarchy


HOW LONG: 5 minutes 

WHY:  It is incredibly powerful to connect visually to your Pussy and acknowledge the role Pussy plays in the world and in your life.  This practice offers you the opportunity to release any shame or disgust and create a healthy and loving relationship to your body and your Pussy. Allows you to choose your relationship to Pussy free of society’s narratives or past conditioning.  Brings you into a deeper understanding of the power of the divine feminine. 

TOOLS:  Body friendly oil, a hand mirror, and whatever else you use to set pf your Home-Play ritual space


  1. Set up your Home-Play ritual space: light a candle or incense, play some some favorite music, whatever helps you to drop in.  

  2. Set a timer for 5 minutes 

  3. Sit in a reclining position and set up your mirror so you can see your Pussy.  Really LOOK at your labia/vulva, spend time taking in all the shades and colors, the texture of your skin, your hair or lack of hair.

  4. Continue gazing at your Pussy, and speak out loud three compliments to her.  Really acknowledge her beauty, her power, her essence.

  5. Anoint your Pussy with body friendly oil.

  6. If you wish you can speak aloud your connection to your Pussy, acknowledging her wisdom, and how connection to her can lead you in your life.  You might want to verbally commit to following her lead in bringing you pleasure and guidance in life!

  7. Continue this until the time is up.

  8. Relax, rest and integrate.  You may want to journal about your experience.


Pleasure Practice: Transfiguration

Spend some time before you do the Transfiguration meditation considering: What is your highest vision for yourself as a woman? How do you feel? How do you behave? This vision can change each time! Work with what speaks to you most each time you do the transfiguration

Feel yourself AS this vision – sidestep any negativity or doubt and allow yourself to step into who you were meant to be as a woman; who you really are.

This practices helps you to release the “story” of who you are, and remember who you were born to be.  It also allows you to feel how you want during sex and puts you in touch with your real desires for your femininity and sexuality. 

Rewire outdated conditioning, negative thought patterns and beliefs systems about yourself, embody a new vision of yourself, and touch into your divinity!

HOW LONG: At least 15 minutes.

WHY: Use your sexual expression and pleasure to nurturing yourself and your highest vision. Use your sexual experiences to support your femininity and expression in life.


1 Set up your Home-Play ritual space: light a candle or incense, play some some favorite music, whatever helps you to drop in.

2 Do the transfiguration recorded meditation.

3 Begin to touch and arouse your entire body, feel yourself as your highest vision of yourself, your femininity, your expression as a woman, and/or the Goddess who appeared to you.

4 See yourself as this highest feminine expression of yourself, or as the Goddess, in fantasy, as she makes love.

5 As you arouse yourself, be sure to stay in touch with feeling yourself deeply in your transfiguration.

6 This can bring up emotional healing, so if you feel tears or anger or any other emotional or physical experience, take the time to allow yourself to release.

7 Continue to arouse yourself, and especially if you come to a state of orgasm, feel yourself in your highest expression of femininity and as a woman.

8 Relax, rest and integrate your experience.

Sexy Sounds Meditation

Pleasure Practice: The Sound Orgasm

HOW LONG: At least 20 minutes.

WHY: Expressing authentic sensations in sound allows you to stay connected to your body, move blockages and resistances, release inhibitions, move sexual sensations through the body and strengthen orgasmic pleasure.


1 Set up your Home-Play ritual space: light a candle or incense, play some some favorite music, whatever helps you to drop in.

2 Start with five minutes of sexy sounds.

3 Set a timer for ten minutes.

4 Begin to touch and arouse yourself erotically.

5 As you bring yourself pleasure, feel the sensations in your pelvic area (including the vagina, butt, hips, cervix, womb and ovaries) and give sounds to these sensations. This may take some time to get the hang of. Look for the real sensations and express them authentically.

6 Use a little drama – play up the sensations with your sounds.

7 Continue this until the time is up.

8 Relax, rest and integrate the experience.

The Honey Pot!

Emotional Theatre Video

Have fun with this one!!!

Guided Audio Emotional Theatre

Guided Audio Breast Massage

Guided audio: Ovarian Breathing

Body Meditation Video

Guided Audio: Body Meditation

Endocrine SysteM for Reference/Visualization
