Nadia’s practices

When your Jade Egg arrives, it needs to be sanitized.

You can do this by pouring hot water over your egg.  To do this you will want to pour hot water over your egg that is OFF THE BOIL - boil water and then allow it to cool for a few minutes, and then this over your egg.  This only needs to be done once, after this, use the betadine.

Once you have done this, before each use, place your egg in a cup of hot water with a few drops of betadine/iodine, and then rinse thoroughly.

Rinse your cup and refill with hot water, and place your egg back in the hot water, to keep it warm for your practice.

For your Jade Egg practice you’ll need

  1. Your Jade Egg, sanitized/cleaned

  2. Body Friendly Oil (nothing scented or with essential oils)

  3. Unwaxed/Silk Floss

  4. A clean mug of hot water

Before working with your Jade Egg

take a few moments to hold and connect to your Egg, placing inside it your intentions for your practice, and the qualities you would like to embody in your sexuality.

When you are ready for your practice, do at least one of the energy warmups below, and then turn on the Jade Egg Pleasure recording. Remember that internal consent and honoring your body’s messages are the most important part of your practice!

Sound Orgasm

HOW LONG: At least 20 minutes.

WHY: Expressing authentic sensations in sound allows you to stay connected to your body, move blockages and resistances, release inhibitions, move sexual sensations through the body and strengthen orgasmic pleasure.


1 Set up your self-pleasure ritual space: light a candle or incense, play some some favorite music, whatever helps you to drop in.

2 Begin with the sexy sounds recorded practice.

3 Set a timer for ten minutes.

4 Begin to touch and arouse yourself erotically.

5 As you bring yourself pleasure, feel the sensations in your pelvic area (including the vagina, butt, hips, cervix, womb and ovaries) and give sounds to these sensations. This may take some time to get the hang of. Look for the real sensations and express them authentically.

6 Use a little drama – play up the sensations with your sounds.

7 Continue this until the time is up.

8 Relax, rest and integrate the experience.